Fatuma Musa


1000 €




Zossener Straße 24, Berlin


1000 € to drive to refugee camps in Germany, motivate them, help them see opportunities, connecting and supporting them. Also self-support.



My name is Fadhumo and I’m a refugee and a motivational speaker. There is need for motivation, especially for refugees. The main objective for this initiative is to motivate each other as refugees since we all have the same problem. We will show ourselves the importance of self-motivation for achieving success in our personal life in this difficult moment and  how to cope with the crisis. Through the motivation we also connect with caring people, network with different supporting groups and send a message as united human beings with no boarders.

Refugee to refugee motivation is a key way to engage our minds and hearts as refugees due to our situation. Sharing experiences and exploring the different existing opportunities to solve our problems needs encouragement. Visiting one another as refugees in the different camps promotes unity and psychological support to the voiceless people. Refugees have been demoralised and disappointed by the situation we are in: no right to work, no right to attend University, no freedom of movement. These have affected our physical, emotional and most of all our psychological strength. Refugees are becoming hopeless and need help.

The programme helps refugees to utilise their skills in order to help themselves to become self-sustaining and help the German society as well since a lot of professions and talents are going unrecognised. It is basically about proving that as refugees we have professions and can do something for the community.

Areas we would like to speak about with refugees are: self motivation and creativity, education, culture and integration.

Let us get up on our feet and get back our strengths and help each other.

Plan for July and August 2015:

25th of July planning for a Solidarity Motivational speech for the Refugees, with Food and Music.

29th of August: Visit to Eisenhuttenstadt with Motivational Speech, Food and Music.

We are on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/How-To-Get-Up-On-Your-Feet/604064562963351?fref=ts


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